Career Exploration for Every Stage of Development bridges workforce realities directly to education, providing meaningful career exploration with our powerful tools and proprietary videos. See how will benefit you.

Elementary (K-5)
Empower today’s youth to become tomorrow’s globally-conscious professionals with our interactive, multimedia career education platform, VJS Junior.

This platform is a powerful tool elementary educators can use to promote their students’ personal and academic growth. By detailing a wide range of jobs within 17 Career Clusters, it encourages all students to become invested in their futures. By underscoring the relationship between academic coursework and career opportunities, VJS Junior motivates students to become dedicated learners. By stressing the value of every individual’s unique strengths, it helps teachers cultivate their students’ self-confidence.

Middle/High School
Prepare your students to meet the demands of today’s competitive workplace with’s 21st century career exploration solution.

In our technology-driven economy, educators must rise to the challenge and equip their students with the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in college, career and life. is a cost-effective resource for any school or district that wants to provide its students with the benefits of job shadowing and comprehensive career exploration.
Empower students to achieve their best future!

Higher Education
Help your students prepare for the realities of today’s job market and get a jumpstart on planning a career.

The rising costs of college bring additional pressure for post-secondary institutions to better prepare graduates for career success. One critical objective is helping students align majors with desired career pursuits. For these reasons, career planning has become increasingly important to post-secondary institutions. will streamline your career counseling initiatives with an all-in-one career-planning platform, providing the tools to help students determine their career direction.
Give students the resources they need to succeed in life!

Government & Workforce
Optimize counseling, job training and career planning services with’s efficient and cost-effective platform.

WIOA-funded workforce agencies and Departments of Labor around the country are discovering is the ideal resource for their clients. Streamline your career counseling services with our all-in-one platform, which is used by teens, displaced workers, veterans, at-risk youth, and other populations, as well as vocational rehabilitation programs and career agencies.
Equip your job seekers with tools that work.